Awards & Reviews
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March 13, 2007
AwardFabrik Awards Super Talent DDR2 Kit 'Speed and Platinum' Prizes
The kit ran error free within the assured specifications and exhibited good compatibility with the P5B Deluxe/Wifi AP and/or Intel P965 express chip set...With the result of PC2-9600/DDR2-1200@ 5-5-5-12, it was fast... so we happily confer on Super Talent our 'Platinum & Speed' Awards.
DDR2 -- T1066UX1G5
March 12, 2007
Big Win for Super Talent USB Drives at Frozenmod -- GOLD!

The average read speed is a good 26.3 MB/s. The scanning rate is 12.4 MB/s. Super Talent wins on all 4 categories: performance, design, size and processing capabilities.
USB Drives
March 08, 2007
Xtreme Systems: Super Talent DDR2 RAM Reaches 1293MHz @ 4-4-3-4
Super Talent DDR2 RAM Reaches 1293MHz @ 4-4-3-4
DDR2 -- T800UX2GC4
March 05, 2007
Super Talent is 'Super Talented' in Producing Top-Notch Memory

In both default setting and when overclocked, the (Super Talent T1000) memory performed well and exhibited no instability at all. With a powerful motherboard and processor, I have no doubt that this memory would perform even better than what I was able to achieve with it. To sum up this review in a cheesy fashion, I would say that Super Talent is “super talented” when it comes to producing top-notch memory.
DDR2 -- T1000UX2G5
March 05, 2007
High Performance Fireball Wins Another Gold Award From

Super Talent Fireball has very good processing capability...a good and solid USB stick, for which one should calmly invest a few more Euros.
USB Fireball