Awards & Reviews
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September 20, 2007
An Excellent MP4 Player: Vidego 28
This is an excellent player ...has loads of nice new features and the battery time along with the easy menu setup makes this mp4 player a great buy. It feels good and a game adds some extra pros to the player. ...this is a awesome mp4 player ...
September 17, 2007
Good Overclocking DDR3 Kit -- Super Talent W1600UX2G7!

Based on the performance of their W1600UX2G7 kit, the attention the company has been getting is well deserved...The W1600UX2G7 kit also overclocked well and is readily available at many popular on-line outlets.
DDR3 -- W1600UX2G7
September 11, 2007
Huge Overclocking Possibilities!
Not many memory manufacturers can deliver what SuperTalent offers right now. There are huge overclocking possibilities and enthusiast users will find in this product, a memory module that keeps its promise and delivers fast performance. Overall, a highly recommended product.
DDR3 -- W1600UX2G7
September 11, 2007
Super Talent 200x Drive Takes Home Editor's Choice Award from

Super Talent beats OCZ and Crucial and wins Editor's Choice Award.
USB Drives -- Supersonic
August 31, 2007
Toms Hardware Selects Super Talent DDR3-1600 for OC Rig

What's most impressive about Super Talent's fastest RAM isn't so much its incredible speed as its low latencies. These DDR3-1600 modules are available with CAS 7-7-7-18 rated timings, and have been setting DDR3 records all over the Web for both throughput and latency.

DDR3 -- W1600UX2G7